Real Estate Finance Final Exam


Set yourself up for success, and let’s get prepared for our Final Exam Quiz

  • Don’t Just Memorize The Questions
  • There Is No Substitute For Studying
  • Don’t Get Discouraged
  • Budget Your Time
  • Watch For Key Words
  • Read All The Answers Before Selecting Your Answer
  • Open your book online or physical and click next proceed

Unit 15 Lesson – Mathematics of Real Estate Finance

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 14 Lesson – Investment Financing Strategies

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 13 Lesson – Loan Defaults and Foreclosures

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 1 Lesson – Nature and Cycle of California Real Estate Finance

Study Tips

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 12 Lesson – The Secondary Mortgage Market

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 11 Lesson – Processing Real Estate Loans

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 10 Lesson – Real Estate Loan Underwriting

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 9 Lesson – Instruments of Real Estate Finance

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.

Unit 8 Lesson – Loan Terms and Note Payments

Study Tips

  • Step One— Review the learning objectives for each chapter, review the chapter quizzes, and then read your material.
  • Step Two— Focus on learning Keyword Terms for each unit by writing them down along with keyword definitions to increase retention.
  • Step Three— Take the online quiz at the end of your unit, passing score is 60% or better. We recommend that you retake the quiz as many times as you need until you receive a passing score of 100% before proceeding to the next chapter.
  • Step Four— When you complete the last chapter quiz, and the required 18 days from enrollment has expired your final exam will unlock.