1-Day Prep
For some people, taking an exam is very difficult and stressful. This course aids you in a simple and effective method for taking the exam and passing the first time.
Now is the time to gain proficiency with our 1,100+ Prep Practice questions and detailed explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. Ideally, before attending the 1-Day Prep Course and/or the state exam, you should achieve a consistent 90% score rate or better with your practice questions.
Remember, no exam prep provider has the exact questions and answers found on the state exam. Understanding the concepts is the most important. Successful test takers have found this to be a key to exam success.
The salesperson exam will have 150 multiple-choice questions, and the broker exam 200, you must pass with a minimum of 70%. Therefore, you can miss up to 45 for salesperson exam or 60 questions for the broker exam, meaning you do not have to know all the material. If you are not good at complex math problems, take your BEST GUESS and move on.
You have a 25% chance of guessing correctly so never leave a question blank. The bottom line is, if you study this material, you will pass the State Exam.
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