Let’s get started…. we have two formats for you.
By Exam Topic/Category:
This format helps you focus on specific exam topics and the Top 100 most important questions to master. The examination topics below are for informational purposes and should not be considered totally comprehensive:
- Exam Topic – Property Ownership and Land Use Controls and Regulations 15%
- Exam Topic – Laws of Agency and Fiduciary Duties 17%
- Exam Topic – Property Valuation and Financial Analysis 14%
- Exam Topic – Financing 9%
- Exam Topic – Transfer of Property 8%
- Exam Topic – Practice of Real Estate and Disclosures (Includes Specialty Areas) 25%
- Exam Topic – Contracts 12%
- Focus – Top 100 Questions
By Question Size:
We have created a Quiz Bank with 150 questions to practice. The system will randomize questions for each quiz retake. While you wait for the DRE to process your application, we recommend that you practice 25 questions daily. Once you have reserved a date to take your 1-Day Prep we suggest that you increase the practice questions to 50 daily. Finally, the 150-question quiz bank is for you to practice so you can simulate test day.
Your average score updates each time you take a practice exam. Continue taking exams until you are consistently receiving scores of 90% or better in each category. Concentrate on learning the subject matter rather than memorizing the questions.
Once you have clicked on the FINAL QUIZ button it is time to review your PROGRESS DETAILS.
- Number of Correct Questions – The number of questions answered correctly, out of the total number of questions.
- Time Spent – The time it took the user to complete the quiz.
- Overall Score – The number of points earned, possible points available and percentage score. Example: You have reached 31 out of 84 points, 36.9%
- Print your Certificate – This feature will only appear for certified courses.
- Average Score – Your score compared to the average Score of all users who have taken this quiz.
- Category Score – The score broken down by question Category
You will be given an opportunity to review your unit and practice quizzes only. Other features include the “go back”, “skip”, “restart”, and “mark Complete” buttons for navigating your quizzes.
Course Content
Did you know we offer so much more?

12. The Tutor 6-Pack
This real estate license tutoring service is designed to cater to the individual requiring special 1:1 support with a more kinesthetic learning style. Our tutoring package is a “NEW” concept in the world of pre-licensing where approved-only instructors spend six hours of time with you one on one to help you achieve your goal of passing the California Real Estate State exam.
You will receive a physical student manual the day of your 1-Day Prep class, however, if you need a replacement just click below.