02. Real Estate Practice 10th Edition | BKDIND: Online with Digital Textbook

Student Agreement

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I, ( ), under penalty of perjury, do hereby affirm and agree that I am a registered student of Agent Real Estate Schools Student Orientation, and the following courses:


and that I will personally complete each reading assignment, quiz and the final examination of the course(s).

I understand that my failure to comply with this agreement will result in revocation of completion certificate, and that such violation will be reported to my local real estate industry regulatory authorities.

Furthermore, I understand that the contents of the course(s) may not be copied, reproduced, resold or used by any other person. Unauthorized copying of this course is prohibited by U.S. copyright laws which provide substantial penalties for copyright infringement.

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Lesson Overview

  • Overview of Real Estate Practice
  • Importance of Unit Learning Objectives
  • Importance of Unit Chapter Questions
  • Importance of Key Terms
  • Study Tips

Did you know we offer so much more?


Group Study – GSUS

This upgrade offers any student a path from their previously purchased online program to the “Live In-Class” and/or “Interactive Webinar” using your own material. Offer applies to ALL students whether you have purchased another school’s material or our course packages. You are welcome to bring your own pre- purchased educational material to class with you.


06. 1100+ Prep Live Review

This Prep Practice is a Web Class designed to support the student who has completed all three required courses and wants to practice Keywords and Prep Questions for the State Examination.


06. 1100+ Prep Live Review Plus

This Group Practice is a Web Class designed to support the student in completing all three required courses and passing the final Exams.

You will receive a physical copy of the 1-Day Prep Student manual the day of class, for a replacement copy click the link below.

You can select a physical textbook add on to your course here: