(ARES.01) 1-Day Power Prep & Practice Questions


Master the State Exam with Confidence!

Our 1-Day Power Prep 4 Week Program is where our expert instructor will guide you through the most important topics and commonly tested subjects on the State Exam. This comprehensive full-day review is designed to give you the preparation and confidence needed to pass the test on your first try.

✨ Once you pay for your enrollment here are our next steps:

  • We register you for the Study Plan Meet Up Group for Coaching 📚
  • Ship you a Student Manual 🎯
  • Schedule your 8-Hour 1-Day Prep course aligned with your exam date 💪

This convenient one-day course is held on Saturdays, making it easy to fit into your schedule. Check the Class Schedulefor upcoming times and dates.

Textbooks are Great Study Tools!

Select the latest textbooks to ensure you’re up to date with current real estate regulations and practices!